So tonight I went trick and treating. Me, Alex, Meghan, Aaron, Arianna and an other little guy I don't know, went out to get candy!
I got approximately 2 kg of candy, and there was about 5/6 I didn't know what was. Let's just say that I got a stomach ache now, and that I won't fall asleep just yet.
As you may have guessed Alexandra - Aka. Alex - will put some pictures up of me soon on Facebook. I saw your comments on my homecoming picture guys and it made me really happy :)
Tonight's costumes were:
Me: Purple fairy
Alex: Cowgirl
Arianna: Cowgirl
Meghan: Cowgirl.
(Wow, creative huh?)
Aaron: Empire state building (he is tall, like really tall)
Other little guy: Shufflebot from LMFAO, but switched costume later that night.
So, yeah I guess I'll see you soon. Have a nice day!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 31. oktober 2011
søndag den 30. oktober 2011
Looong weekend
Even though my weekend was long it was really great!
Friday I went to the concert in my Halloween costume, pictures are unfortunately not available at the moment. Alex have pictures of everything so those will probably be up. The concert was called "Nightmare on Blake Street" and it was all these small unknown bands playing. Alex's brothers band was playing and I bought their CD, it was only $5 so that was pretty good. I liked them.
Saturday. Homecoming, was so fun :) I had slept at Alex's place from Friday to Saturday, and we used most of the day to get ready. Alex and her mother took me out to get our nails done. Now I have black nails for at least 14 days! They curled my hair and I did Alex's make up :D
Friday I went to the concert in my Halloween costume, pictures are unfortunately not available at the moment. Alex have pictures of everything so those will probably be up. The concert was called "Nightmare on Blake Street" and it was all these small unknown bands playing. Alex's brothers band was playing and I bought their CD, it was only $5 so that was pretty good. I liked them.
Saturday. Homecoming, was so fun :) I had slept at Alex's place from Friday to Saturday, and we used most of the day to get ready. Alex and her mother took me out to get our nails done. Now I have black nails for at least 14 days! They curled my hair and I did Alex's make up :D
This picture is not really good, but you'll have to do with it! My legs looks short :/
After getting ready me, Meghan, Alishia, Aaron and his date went to an Italian restaurant and ate there :) I ordered fettuccine alfredo. Let's just say that ordering the food was embarrassing, I won't go into details :P We had a fun time there before going to the homecoming dance.
So yeah. After a great homecoming I went home to Alex's place and slept there until today. I went home at about 2-3 and now I'm doing a stupid paper!
We got the paper assigned at Friday and it have to be at least of 3 pages! Oh well, better get started then :)
torsdag den 27. oktober 2011
4rd day of spirit week
Yes, duct tape day! It was super hot to have my jacket with duct tape on! I made a hat and taped my shirt with duct tape yesterday. It only took 2 hours! < sarcasm.
Duct tape is really sticky! once it's stuck, you'll have a real hard time getting it off!
I don't have any pictures of myself but people have taken pictures of me today, so we'll see if I can find some :)
Here's my agenda for the following days:
Friday = school, Halloween concert and then sleepover at best friends place!
Saturday = Get nails done for homecoming, eat out with Meghan, Aaron, his date and another girl I don't know! Maybe Alex if I'm lucky :) Then (hopefully best day of the month) homecoming!
It's going to be an expensive month. I'll just say that my mom reminded me just a few days ago about my use of money.
I swear mom! I will save the other months, but this month I will use a bit more than I thought!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Duct tape is really sticky! once it's stuck, you'll have a real hard time getting it off!
I don't have any pictures of myself but people have taken pictures of me today, so we'll see if I can find some :)
Here's my agenda for the following days:
Friday = school, Halloween concert and then sleepover at best friends place!
Saturday = Get nails done for homecoming, eat out with Meghan, Aaron, his date and another girl I don't know! Maybe Alex if I'm lucky :) Then (hopefully best day of the month) homecoming!
It's going to be an expensive month. I'll just say that my mom reminded me just a few days ago about my use of money.
I swear mom! I will save the other months, but this month I will use a bit more than I thought!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 26. oktober 2011
2nd and 3rd day of Spirit week!
Yeah, I can say that winter has begun in Colorado. The news told us 3-4 inches, but we hardly got 1 inch. Still; had to put on a jacket today.
So today was third day of spirit week. I had to put on a bunch of mitch-mathcing clothes but it was really fun! A lot of different colors and two different shoes.
This is Clara and Sophie. They are from Germany and are exchange students too :) I have two classes with Sophie and none with Clara.
Tomorrow I'm going to dress up in duct tape! That's going to be fun!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 24. oktober 2011
1st day of Spirit week
Today was the first day of spirit week. It is a week were we get "spirit points" if we win assignments, and points are given to either freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors, depending on which place they got in the assignments. Like Hogwarts....
Anywaaay. Today was color-day and decorating day. Freshmen dressed in purple, sophomores in orange, juniors in green and seniors in blue. I of course had to wear green which was okay because I had a green shirt :)
Decorating the hallway was fun. Imagine decorating your school for Christmas. Now imagine it just being decorated for homecoming :) Every class had a part of the school to decorate and juniors theme was "Go green" and "recycle". We are surely going to win with that lol. Americans love a good cause.
I stayed a bit after school to help with other decorations and it was fun. I talked to new people so that was great :)
*blows happy kiss*
Bye Bye!
Anywaaay. Today was color-day and decorating day. Freshmen dressed in purple, sophomores in orange, juniors in green and seniors in blue. I of course had to wear green which was okay because I had a green shirt :)
Decorating the hallway was fun. Imagine decorating your school for Christmas. Now imagine it just being decorated for homecoming :) Every class had a part of the school to decorate and juniors theme was "Go green" and "recycle". We are surely going to win with that lol. Americans love a good cause.
I stayed a bit after school to help with other decorations and it was fun. I talked to new people so that was great :)
*blows happy kiss*
Bye Bye!
CO Springs pictures!
Yes! What you have all been waiting for! Pictures of my trip to CO Springs! I probably won't post them all (there's about 200 pictures) but I'll post the ones I liked the best!
These two pictures was from the Air force Academy. We saw the chapel with two Christian church, a Jewish and a budist. Then we saw a formation by the students.
My roommate from Norway in our hotel room :) I swear, I've never slept in a better bed than these.
At the Olympic training center/museum. We had a tour around the place and saw American Olympic champions and those training to be.
FINALLY! Shopping for real and in a mall! I got my homecoming dress and part of my Halloween costume at a shop for $29!! Half price at the shop! My shopping buddies was Son, James and Parn. They are all from Thailand so they spoke Thai to each other all the time! But it was fun :) I learned some words from them :)
At George springs! This place was scary... It was such deep cliffs :(
Apparently Christmas comes early in America. Santa Claus comes at the 4th November.
Yes. This is a lollipop. With a scorpion inside. I'll just say that the scorpion didn't taste good alone, but it was good with the sugar! I'm just kidding. I tried not to think about eating a scorpion while eating this. But it gave some fun reactions from people :)
Garden of the Gods! There were tall cliffs and a guy was walking on top of them! He didn't have a safety line on and we all thought he was going to jump off the cliffs. He didn't though. He was just a hardcore cliff climber.
It would be hard to tell you about everything about my trip, but the most important thing to tell was; I had so much fun! I got new and good friends and I experienced things I've never tried before.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 20. oktober 2011
Colorado trip!
Tomorrow I can't go to school. Unfortunately I have an awesome trip to go on in Colorado Springs, and that is conflicting with my schedule!
I'll just assure my parents or any other people that I OF COURSE will take some pictures and upload them. Better say that now, phew.
So credit-card nightmare is over now. My card works again, I got a new american bank account at 1st bank so right now everything is going great :) I have my awesome parents to thanks for that. Without them I would be sitting at a hotel tomorrow while my friends where shopping, without anything to do!
Halloween costume? Nope. You're not gonna know before pictures have been taken!!! >:D
*blows evil kiss*
Bye Bye!
I'll just assure my parents or any other people that I OF COURSE will take some pictures and upload them. Better say that now, phew.
So credit-card nightmare is over now. My card works again, I got a new american bank account at 1st bank so right now everything is going great :) I have my awesome parents to thanks for that. Without them I would be sitting at a hotel tomorrow while my friends where shopping, without anything to do!
Halloween costume? Nope. You're not gonna know before pictures have been taken!!! >:D
*blows evil kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 19. oktober 2011
Drivers test
I'm not gonna lie. I actually took my first permit test last Friday and I failed. 9 wrong answers and 5 allowed wrong answers. I didn't read the little book we had assigned and my teacher told me to read it "again". It was a "stupid" test, and the questions were misleading (as they were supposed to, damn it!) but today I took my test again.
Guess what?
Perfect score. 0 wrong answers. I. Can. Drive.
Hallelujah! Ooooooh, wait I can't drive before I'm 18 -.-
Still not gonna spoil my mood!
Next week is homecoming week/spirit week. There's gonna be a lot of activities after school, so it's gonna be pretty fun :)
The one day I look most forward to is Thursday. Duck tape day. Can't wait >:D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Guess what?
Perfect score. 0 wrong answers. I. Can. Drive.
Hallelujah! Ooooooh, wait I can't drive before I'm 18 -.-
Still not gonna spoil my mood!
Next week is homecoming week/spirit week. There's gonna be a lot of activities after school, so it's gonna be pretty fun :)
The one day I look most forward to is Thursday. Duck tape day. Can't wait >:D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
tirsdag den 18. oktober 2011
Karate practice
Okay, maybe I can do two posts in a day... It's not like you don't want me to, I'm just too lazy sometimes.
So karate practice today was really good :) I practiced my own kata and I showed it off for the other boys/girls that was at practice. Awkward moment: my sensei (teacher) asked me in front of them all, what the name of my first kata was and I couldn't remember at that time... Can someone say embarrassing? After 2 minutes, though, I remembered it's name :)
Oh well... I'm going to open a bank account over here... Tomorrow after school I'll go to the US Bank or what ever the name of the bank is, and make an account.
Hmm... Anything else? Oh yeah! Look at this!
I abso-LU-tely love dye!!! Nia in this picture is making dye and if you touch the water after the blue comes in.... Your hand turns blue! I love that stuff. I'll help her with dyeing anything, just so that my hands can get blue! :D
That is of course not the only reason I help her. I like to help her and we have a lot of fun :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
So karate practice today was really good :) I practiced my own kata and I showed it off for the other boys/girls that was at practice. Awkward moment: my sensei (teacher) asked me in front of them all, what the name of my first kata was and I couldn't remember at that time... Can someone say embarrassing? After 2 minutes, though, I remembered it's name :)
Oh well... I'm going to open a bank account over here... Tomorrow after school I'll go to the US Bank or what ever the name of the bank is, and make an account.
Hmm... Anything else? Oh yeah! Look at this!
I abso-LU-tely love dye!!! Nia in this picture is making dye and if you touch the water after the blue comes in.... Your hand turns blue! I love that stuff. I'll help her with dyeing anything, just so that my hands can get blue! :D
That is of course not the only reason I help her. I like to help her and we have a lot of fun :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Ok, maybe not so much anymore but: I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!!!
Ok, not really but: I CAN'T REMEMBER MY PIN-CODE!!!
Whew, that was just my panic attack lol. My mom and dad are on the case and I should get a new credit card by Thursday. Let's just hope everything is well until then...
The "new family" thing is not really going anywhere, so I asked a secretary at the office at my school to make another call to my area rep. I'm thinking about calling her myself. I think that it's stupid I can't call her myself AND that she haven't called me yet...
Oh well. Tomorrow is my last drivers ed class. Gonna take the test. Hope I'll pass!!!!
And tonight I have karate practice again! :D I swear it's so exhausting, for warm up he make us do at least 60 push ups!!!! D:
But he don't go that hard on me. He know that I'm out of practice :) He even helps me practice my kata and not teach me new ones.
Oh well. It's almost time to go so I'll guess I write to you later.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Ok, not really but: I CAN'T REMEMBER MY PIN-CODE!!!
Whew, that was just my panic attack lol. My mom and dad are on the case and I should get a new credit card by Thursday. Let's just hope everything is well until then...
The "new family" thing is not really going anywhere, so I asked a secretary at the office at my school to make another call to my area rep. I'm thinking about calling her myself. I think that it's stupid I can't call her myself AND that she haven't called me yet...
Oh well. Tomorrow is my last drivers ed class. Gonna take the test. Hope I'll pass!!!!
And tonight I have karate practice again! :D I swear it's so exhausting, for warm up he make us do at least 60 push ups!!!! D:
But he don't go that hard on me. He know that I'm out of practice :) He even helps me practice my kata and not teach me new ones.
Oh well. It's almost time to go so I'll guess I write to you later.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 15. oktober 2011
Scary corn maze
Two posts in a day. You won't see that often O.O
Okay so today was kinda up and down.
Up because I went to a corn maze that was made into a haunted house, and I went with Alex and her friend. We had SO much fun even though we had to wait like 1½ hours before actually entering the corn maze.
Down because Martha didn't come home before I left for the corn maze at 8:00 and she didn't see my notes on the wall. She didn't know where I was at before 10:00. And I tried to call her but she didn't pick up her phone... And you guys know that I'll never leave messages at a phone. I'll just babble and confuse you even more haha.
The corn maze, though, was SO scary totally all the $27 dollars worth (maybe not, it is a lot of money after all :/ )
Oh yeah, I'm going to meet Martha's daughter and grandchildren tomorrow :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Okay so today was kinda up and down.
Up because I went to a corn maze that was made into a haunted house, and I went with Alex and her friend. We had SO much fun even though we had to wait like 1½ hours before actually entering the corn maze.
Down because Martha didn't come home before I left for the corn maze at 8:00 and she didn't see my notes on the wall. She didn't know where I was at before 10:00. And I tried to call her but she didn't pick up her phone... And you guys know that I'll never leave messages at a phone. I'll just babble and confuse you even more haha.
The corn maze, though, was SO scary totally all the $27 dollars worth (maybe not, it is a lot of money after all :/ )
Oh yeah, I'm going to meet Martha's daughter and grandchildren tomorrow :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Hair color day!
Yup, today I finally dyed my hair! I did just as the manual said (the only time I'll read a manual ever again) and the result was pretty good. It came out darker than I thought but I like it better this way :)
Mixing poisonous stuff together. Better not eat it even though it smells nice. I'm kidding haha, but at least I didn't get any of my skin colored :)
The hair color I used. It said dark blonde but it came out as light brown. So now I'll have this hair color for a good month or maybe even two :) I could try this color again next time, but I'll maybe try and go a shade darker or so :)
torsdag den 13. oktober 2011
DC trip?
The school is arranging a school trip to Washington DC in the end of May. It sounds so cool and I really wanted to go when I was at school. Now I'm not so sure. The trip is $1700 and I have $4000 for the whole year... I wanna have "fun" the whole year instead of having a week of fun for all my money and save my money :/
Yeah, and my two best friends are not going so I don't think I wanna :(
(My allergy test was negative. New hair color in two days!)
I'm going to a concert! On the 28th October my friend Alex's brother will have a concert with his band. It is a Halloween thing, so maybe I will have to use my Halloween costume? (when I get one that is).
The band is not really known, but I listened to a few of their songs and they sound cool. They are called "My Body Sings Electric".
Hmm... Anything else? I don't think so. You know what that means right? I have to say-
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Yeah, and my two best friends are not going so I don't think I wanna :(
(My allergy test was negative. New hair color in two days!)
I'm going to a concert! On the 28th October my friend Alex's brother will have a concert with his band. It is a Halloween thing, so maybe I will have to use my Halloween costume? (when I get one that is).
The band is not really known, but I listened to a few of their songs and they sound cool. They are called "My Body Sings Electric".
Hmm... Anything else? I don't think so. You know what that means right? I have to say-
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 12. oktober 2011
Allergy test
Yup. The hair color is bought and now I'm taking an allergy test on the inside of my elbow. I know that my parents would never let me dye my hair without allergy-testing myself. (Are you happy now mamma?)
The color I've chosen is semi-permanent so that means that it'll last for 28 shampoo washes.
That's about 1 month or 1½....
I'm using this product. It costed $8 which is 40 kroner. Great deal.

Can't wait to the the result! You'll have to wait to see the color until it's done!!! I'm so mean that I wont tell you!
*blows evil kiss*
Bye Bye!
The color I've chosen is semi-permanent so that means that it'll last for 28 shampoo washes.
That's about 1 month or 1½....
I'm using this product. It costed $8 which is 40 kroner. Great deal.

Can't wait to the the result! You'll have to wait to see the color until it's done!!! I'm so mean that I wont tell you!
*blows evil kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 10. oktober 2011
Random update
Today, drivers lessons again. Only two left now! Sid told me that the test was pretty simple and my teacher told me the questions are tricky, and you'll have to read them twice. But after that it should be pretty easy!
So... Tomorrow I am going to church to sing, because it is pretty obvious that no one needs babysitting. When there is no kids to babysit, you sing. Kinda disappointed that I can't go to karate. I have to talk to the church to see if I can "get out" of babysitting on Tuesdays, because honestly I would rather go to my karate practice.
On Wednesday we have "Super Test day" as they called it... We stay in school 'till noon, but up until noon you have tests..........
Hmmm.... Anything else?
Oh I tried to fix the commenting problem. Try and comment below :D
If it does not work you can just send an email to me. Just make sure that you name it "blog comment" or something like that. I won't write my email on my blog, but you can ask me for it on Facebook.
Maybe you are so lucky that you already know my email! Good for you :D No need to take time to ask!
Oh well. Should do my homework now maybe 0.0
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
So... Tomorrow I am going to church to sing, because it is pretty obvious that no one needs babysitting. When there is no kids to babysit, you sing. Kinda disappointed that I can't go to karate. I have to talk to the church to see if I can "get out" of babysitting on Tuesdays, because honestly I would rather go to my karate practice.
On Wednesday we have "Super Test day" as they called it... We stay in school 'till noon, but up until noon you have tests..........
Hmmm.... Anything else?
Oh I tried to fix the commenting problem. Try and comment below :D
If it does not work you can just send an email to me. Just make sure that you name it "blog comment" or something like that. I won't write my email on my blog, but you can ask me for it on Facebook.
Maybe you are so lucky that you already know my email! Good for you :D No need to take time to ask!
Oh well. Should do my homework now maybe 0.0
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 8. oktober 2011
It snowed today!! It was only a little bit, but it snowed! It was so cold and wet :/ Which made me make a comment to Martha: "I have no boots..."
Long story short, I just got out and bought new boots.
$39,99 or 200,- pretty good deal if I must say so ;)
Today I also started my Karate training!!! It is similar to the style I did back home, but not exactly the same. I got a free (!) gi, suit or whatever you call it. I'm very excited to come and train, and my new sensei told me that he would help me with my old kata's, and I can even participate in tournaments! :D
So yeah, so far the day has been good... I'll try and see if I can fix the blog. Mom don't go crazy yet because you can't comment ;)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Long story short, I just got out and bought new boots.
$39,99 or 200,- pretty good deal if I must say so ;)
Today I also started my Karate training!!! It is similar to the style I did back home, but not exactly the same. I got a free (!) gi, suit or whatever you call it. I'm very excited to come and train, and my new sensei told me that he would help me with my old kata's, and I can even participate in tournaments! :D
So yeah, so far the day has been good... I'll try and see if I can fix the blog. Mom don't go crazy yet because you can't comment ;)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 6. oktober 2011
Free lunch!
Yeah today I got free lunch. All 5(!) exchange students on my school came in to Mr. Arneson's office today and we talked for 90 minutes!!! That was so cool, I got free pizza and I didn't have any math class, how awesome is that?
We talked with Arneson and his wife Lora. It was fun, and we plan on doing it again soon.
Today I bought my homecoming ticket! $25 but it's gonna be SO worth it.
Tomorrow is hybrid day, so I'm going to stay home all day and do school behind my laptop :) I love hybrid day. A day where you don't have to switch out of your pajama!
Today I developed my photos for my photography assignment! My camera ate 2/3 of my film though so only 9 pictures came out good :/
We talked with Arneson and his wife Lora. It was fun, and we plan on doing it again soon.
Today I bought my homecoming ticket! $25 but it's gonna be SO worth it.
Tomorrow is hybrid day, so I'm going to stay home all day and do school behind my laptop :) I love hybrid day. A day where you don't have to switch out of your pajama!
Today I developed my photos for my photography assignment! My camera ate 2/3 of my film though so only 9 pictures came out good :/
BUT the 9 pictures that came out was the last pictures I took was also the best! I'm so getting an A on this assignment :)
I'll see you tomorrow (maybe?) or write on my blog so until next tiiiiiiime...........
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 5. oktober 2011
Random update
Yeah, so today I had drivers ed again. One of my friends always buys food at Burger King for this, so today I asked him to get something for me too, so I got Burger King for dinner today! Not the healthiest, but it was good. I swear when I saw him bring me my drink I almost thought he bought me an XX Large soda! That was almost a liter.
I only need three more drivers lessons so I'm done soon! I haven't even paid for my lessons yet, should I feel guilty?? :)
Oh yeah, homecoming is soon. So is Halloween. I have to go shopping, Alex told me that we could go soon hopefully so that'll be good too :)
Before homecoming there is a bonfire that I really wanna go to. It's for the whole school and is a part of homecoming.
Homecoming theme is something about carnival. They are going to make a Ferris wheel, old style popcorn machine and other cool stuff. It's so exciting! The ticket is $25 though.... Don't matter, I'll pay! (I still really haven't used my own money yet, only my gift money, but I'm out of those soon!)

I only need three more drivers lessons so I'm done soon! I haven't even paid for my lessons yet, should I feel guilty?? :)
Oh yeah, homecoming is soon. So is Halloween. I have to go shopping, Alex told me that we could go soon hopefully so that'll be good too :)
Before homecoming there is a bonfire that I really wanna go to. It's for the whole school and is a part of homecoming.
Homecoming theme is something about carnival. They are going to make a Ferris wheel, old style popcorn machine and other cool stuff. It's so exciting! The ticket is $25 though.... Don't matter, I'll pay! (I still really haven't used my own money yet, only my gift money, but I'm out of those soon!)

Oh and the office at my school is working hard on looking :) Everything will be better soon hopefully, I'm supposed to go talk to them tomorrow.
So yeah any questions? I'd love to answer some, but maybe I'm so cool and informative so you don't have any to ask!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
søndag den 2. oktober 2011
Saturday I was up in the mountains and I took a lot of pictures. There is also a video, so I hope you like it!
Most people go to the mountains at this time to the aspens turning yellow. Most of these pictures are of those aspen trees. I though took pictures of other trees too, but decided not to put them up :)
I have no idea what this was, it was just there on a tree :/ But it was pretty and sweet :)
A LOT of people came up to see the trees turn. Apparently it's a big thing here...
So that was it! Martha's son came with us on the trip. He likes to drive fast, and that plus my fear of driving in the mountains resulted in car sickness :/
I also took a lot of pictures for my photography class assignment. Our teacher told us that going to the mountains and taking some pictures here was great, and she strongly recommended it :)
Right now I'm doing my laundry - I'm not kidding when I say that I almost didn't have any clothes left O.O
I was in the nursery in the church today, so that was great.
I hope you are doing well people, and until next time...
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
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