tirsdag den 18. oktober 2011

Karate practice

Okay, maybe I can do two posts in a day... It's not like you don't want me to, I'm just too lazy sometimes.

So karate practice today was really good :) I practiced my own kata and I showed it off for the other boys/girls that was at practice. Awkward moment: my sensei (teacher) asked me in front of them all, what the name of my first kata was and I couldn't remember at that time... Can someone say embarrassing? After 2 minutes, though, I remembered it's name :)

Oh well... I'm going to open a bank account over here... Tomorrow after school I'll go to the US Bank or what ever the name of the bank is, and make an account.

Hmm...  Anything else? Oh yeah! Look at this!

I abso-LU-tely love dye!!! Nia in this picture is making dye and if you touch the water after the blue comes in.... Your hand turns blue! I love that stuff. I'll help her with dyeing anything, just so that my hands can get blue! :D
That is of course not the only reason I help her. I like to help her and we have a lot of fun :)

*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!

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