Here will be :
Paintings or sketches I've made in art class.
Pictures I've taken in photography class.
Digital paintings I've made in Photoshop in digital media class.
This was one of our first assignments in P&D (painting and drawing)
We had to make a bottle look REAL... Harder than it sounds.
I REALLY liked this assignment. I drew a cranium! >:D
I like it. It turned out better than I had expected :)
This is a photo shopped picture of me and my sister ^^
The picture I downloaded from facebook. My teacher told me to bring a picture to Photoshop, so i thought that I'd bring this :)
(the first one is the original)
This is the result . You can see that the sky and sea is another color and that I "erased" my bag. Also I "erased" some of my hair - it just looked kinda stupid :P - and gave both my sister and myself a more even skin tone.
You can get excited for the next picture I'll post. It will be a drawing - sketch - of the arrangement down here...
Let's just say... I'm not excited to draw ALL THAT!
The drawing came out pretty good I think. At our critique I got a lot of both positive and negative feedback. Ms. Meyer told me that she thought it was one of the best drawings made in our class :)
Here are some sketches from the last few days :)
This one says "free" because our sketch subject that day was something you could choose yourself or "free" :)
Remember my skull? This is the same one just done in pen.
Still life made out of cameras.
One of my favorites :) A light bulb tree.
This eye was black and white when I started, and rainbow colored when I was finished :D
One of my "homework" assignments. We had four different pieces of fruit we should put up as a still life, and then we could add other elements to the picture. I picked a table for the fruit, and grass as bag ground.
These two posters I made in Digital media. I am pretty proud of these two. Made both in about 60 minutes each. The assignment was to make pop-art posters. I picked Twilight because... Yeah, you can say that I'm excited about the movie, but I don't really care about Twilight anymore :P
Both pictures are made with several individual pictures. The first one is made out of two different and the second is made with six different pictures :)
3rd December
I felt a rush of creativity. I told Cathy, my new hostmom, that I wanted to buy a canvas to paint. That day we went out to shop other stuff and I went to the arts and craft department. I picked out 3 canvases to paint.
When I came home I made these 3 "paintings".
I say "paintings" because I didn't really use brushes and paint. I used water and spray-paint.
By spraying this spray-paint in a large container of water I made patterns like these. They are totally unique and I'm not done with them yet, so later you'll see an updated version of these.
Truly my favorite sketch for far. Both the assignment and the process was exciting to me! I like this skull SO much!
Mattie. The first is a sketch and then of course the portrait. She got a haircut after I already made my sketch -.-'
But I worked with it! I actually like this hair better! This was a fun project but I'm not as pleased with the outcome as I thought I would be...
A sketch of Emma and Olivia. Hybrid day assignment to "sketch your family members".
First independent art project! A butterfly! First a sketch and some research and then the painting! Pretty blues!
Pretty much failed doing this batik. I don't know if I'll try to do any again...
The photography from my only (successful) project in photography class! A self portrait of myself. Black and white of course!
Look REALLY good at this picture. Notice anything strange?
ALL in this picture is made in Photoshop. The background I made myself and even the clover! It took me about 3 hours total to do this. The picture underneath is the original that I used as inspiration :)
Also very proud of this one :)

I made this painting during my last weeks of school. I gave it to one of the teachers at the school, mostly because she is nice and awesome, but also because I want the school to have something to remember me by!