So I know that you all wonder how I'm doing with my grades. Over here we have a site called infinite campus, here you can check your grades with each project you've done.
I just checked mine today, so I thought that I'd update you on how my progress is so far!
American LIT = high A
US History = high A
Drawing and Painting = low A
Photography = A
Math = C
Anatomy and Physiology = A
Digital media = A
So as you can see; the only thing I'm really struggling with is my math class :P
So I guess that I'll update soon again, right?
Have a great day and wish me good luck in my math class!!!!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 30. september 2011
torsdag den 29. september 2011
So, a few days ago I payed for a trip to Colorado Springs med Face The World. I will be traveling there with Lasha my "area rep." and all the other exchange kids in the area :)
It'll be fun, I am SO excited. It looks like we are going to be busy on the trip but that's cool :)
Since Martha aren't going on the trip Lasha will come and pick me up. Apart from being area rep. she is also host mom to Emil. She is really cool, lovely lady!
So that was it for today! News about my trip and I'll guess i'll see you next time.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
It'll be fun, I am SO excited. It looks like we are going to be busy on the trip but that's cool :)
Since Martha aren't going on the trip Lasha will come and pick me up. Apart from being area rep. she is also host mom to Emil. She is really cool, lovely lady!
So that was it for today! News about my trip and I'll guess i'll see you next time.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 28. september 2011
So there hasn't really been anything new. So to avoid getting a message in the middle of my class again - MOM! - I think it was a good time to update a little :D
I have recently started developing my own pictures in photography class. It is amazing to watch your pictures come to life under the chemicals! The pictures I've done so far has been either too dark or too grainy :/ But it's still fun!
In my history class we are doing a newspaper. We have exactly one week and we're half way done. I'm the layout person, so when people have written their articles I paste it into our newspaper and edit it a bit, setting it up so that it looks fabulous! That have been funny so far :)
I had my fourth drivers lesson this week and the class is getting more and more interesting. Today we learned about DUI (driving under the influence) and stuff like that. This freshman came into class TWO HOURS late, and the teacher - a policeman - could see and told us that he had been smoking weed before coming to class.... His tongue was green :/
So yeah, that was my update. Hope you are all doing good and until next update:
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
I have recently started developing my own pictures in photography class. It is amazing to watch your pictures come to life under the chemicals! The pictures I've done so far has been either too dark or too grainy :/ But it's still fun!
In my history class we are doing a newspaper. We have exactly one week and we're half way done. I'm the layout person, so when people have written their articles I paste it into our newspaper and edit it a bit, setting it up so that it looks fabulous! That have been funny so far :)
I had my fourth drivers lesson this week and the class is getting more and more interesting. Today we learned about DUI (driving under the influence) and stuff like that. This freshman came into class TWO HOURS late, and the teacher - a policeman - could see and told us that he had been smoking weed before coming to class.... His tongue was green :/
So yeah, that was my update. Hope you are all doing good and until next update:
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 26. september 2011
Sleep over 2!
Yeah in one weekend I had 2 sleep overs. Thursday to Friday and Sunday to Monday.
Martha had to go to court a 8 o'clock one hour away, so she couldn't drive me to school Monday. So that's why she set up this sleep over for me.
I slept home at a friends place - her name is Alyssa. Monday morning we got a ride to school by one of my other classmates - Melissa :)
I totally forgot to tell you right? I sang in the choir at church yesterday. It was probably a good idea to have the sheet of paper with lyrics in front of me, because if I had looked at the audience I would have fainted :O
I've started to go to Sunday school, which is also called Bible study. That I don't like very much. I can "tolerate" being at a worship but studying the Bible i don't want to do when I could do other things.
So today is my third drivers lesson. It'll be fun, I'm excited :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Martha had to go to court a 8 o'clock one hour away, so she couldn't drive me to school Monday. So that's why she set up this sleep over for me.
I slept home at a friends place - her name is Alyssa. Monday morning we got a ride to school by one of my other classmates - Melissa :)
I totally forgot to tell you right? I sang in the choir at church yesterday. It was probably a good idea to have the sheet of paper with lyrics in front of me, because if I had looked at the audience I would have fainted :O
I've started to go to Sunday school, which is also called Bible study. That I don't like very much. I can "tolerate" being at a worship but studying the Bible i don't want to do when I could do other things.
So today is my third drivers lesson. It'll be fun, I'm excited :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 24. september 2011
Art display 2
So today I was at the Armory again :) There was yet another art exhibit, and I talked to Sean again! :D
At first he didn't really recognize me, but he told me that he "knew me from somewhere". Then I told him that we talked a few weeks ago and he remembered! Well... He remembered me because of my accent :/ Anyways it was fun today!
And again I of course took some pictures of the paintings!
At first he didn't really recognize me, but he told me that he "knew me from somewhere". Then I told him that we talked a few weeks ago and he remembered! Well... He remembered me because of my accent :/ Anyways it was fun today!
And again I of course took some pictures of the paintings!
These dresses were recycled - most of the stuff here was actually recycled...
So right now I'm trying to write a "@!¤ essay that I totally failed on in school. Partly because I didn't understand the assignment and because they don't want any "creative" writing... -.-
So while i'm pulling my hair out of my head you guys can take a chill and wait for my next update! :D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 23. september 2011
Sleep over!
Thursday to Friday I slept over at a friends house! Today is Friday and we had NO school! So nice!
We (Me and Elizabeth) went to a girls scout meeting and is was kinda fun. Her place is kinda messy because they have two small children - 2 and 3 years old!
Me and Liz's mom made a almost promise that I would help babysit her toddlers some times :) Great, now I can babysit!
So today I am also going skating - again!
Well my ride will soon be here so I think that I'll shut down :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
We (Me and Elizabeth) went to a girls scout meeting and is was kinda fun. Her place is kinda messy because they have two small children - 2 and 3 years old!
Me and Liz's mom made a almost promise that I would help babysit her toddlers some times :) Great, now I can babysit!
So today I am also going skating - again!
Well my ride will soon be here so I think that I'll shut down :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
tirsdag den 20. september 2011
Low, middle or high?
Hi guys! So now the nursery stuff is taken care of and I will hopefully start on Sunday in church :) Sunday this lady asked me if I wanted to take care of the children today, Tuesday. I said yes and I was very excited to come to church.
When Martha and I walked in the doors to the church, we soon find out that no kid is needed to be taken care of... There is none! Feeling disappointed I decided to watch as Martha and the - little - choir practiced.
They of course, as the lovely ladies they are, asked me to join.
You know how I am. I would rather not sing in front of an audience, well at least not after I turned 12.... But they got me talked into it. Then they asked me: Do you sing low, middle or high? I told them that I probably shouldn't do the soprano (the high one) and then picked the middle.
I got down in my seat and we started singing. In the start I thought it was fun, but then I asked if I could go sing the soprano because I couldn't hear myself as the middle.
THEN I sat down and sang the soprano and guess what... I'm a soprano.
This lovely(!) woman, Debbie told the pianist that I was defiantly a soprano and I hit all the nodes. How great is that? Felt so great to be praised on my voice!
So apparently I am going to sing in the church on Sunday... They even found a robe for me that I could wear, while singing. I told them that I had stage fright and maybe shouldn't sing yet. Maybe after a few rehearsals and choir practices I will be ready :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
When Martha and I walked in the doors to the church, we soon find out that no kid is needed to be taken care of... There is none! Feeling disappointed I decided to watch as Martha and the - little - choir practiced.
They of course, as the lovely ladies they are, asked me to join.
You know how I am. I would rather not sing in front of an audience, well at least not after I turned 12.... But they got me talked into it. Then they asked me: Do you sing low, middle or high? I told them that I probably shouldn't do the soprano (the high one) and then picked the middle.
I got down in my seat and we started singing. In the start I thought it was fun, but then I asked if I could go sing the soprano because I couldn't hear myself as the middle.
THEN I sat down and sang the soprano and guess what... I'm a soprano.
This lovely(!) woman, Debbie told the pianist that I was defiantly a soprano and I hit all the nodes. How great is that? Felt so great to be praised on my voice!
So apparently I am going to sing in the church on Sunday... They even found a robe for me that I could wear, while singing. I told them that I had stage fright and maybe shouldn't sing yet. Maybe after a few rehearsals and choir practices I will be ready :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 19. september 2011
Drivers lessons
So today I took my first drivers lesson! :D
I really don't have much to say about that, we learned about road rage. That I don't really gonna have a problem with. I could care less if a guy flipped me off in the traffic, I would probably laugh at him.
I also talked to Alex, she invited me to go bowling on Friday. Right now she is looking to find out if I can ride with her - hopefully...
Also my third drivers lesson is on Friday, so I gotta talk to my teacher. He told me tonight that it wouldn't be a problem though.
I also got friends with this freshman Elizabeth. She calls me Kida lol :D
She is talking to her parents about hosting me, so I'm crossing my fingers!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
I really don't have much to say about that, we learned about road rage. That I don't really gonna have a problem with. I could care less if a guy flipped me off in the traffic, I would probably laugh at him.
I also talked to Alex, she invited me to go bowling on Friday. Right now she is looking to find out if I can ride with her - hopefully...
Also my third drivers lesson is on Friday, so I gotta talk to my teacher. He told me tonight that it wouldn't be a problem though.
I also got friends with this freshman Elizabeth. She calls me Kida lol :D
She is talking to her parents about hosting me, so I'm crossing my fingers!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
søndag den 18. september 2011
Youth group "meeting"
Today I went to a "meeting" in youth group. That was just so NOT a meeting, we had so much fun and we made smores! It is marshmallows, chocolate and crackers sandwiched together :)
Before we made the smores we had dinner which you can see on "Maden" on my other page :)
Also after dinner we "played a game"... It was basically just throwing whipped cream at each other x)
Me AFTER the whipped cream game. Let's just say that I needed a bath after this... Of course before I went home I took a "bath" under the hose.
That was fun :) Sadly enough today I didn't go to the nursery... The church people didn't know if they received my email, but next Sunday I'll definitively go :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 17. september 2011
Skating! Again!
Tonight I was out skating again! This time it was with Alex, Meghan and Aaron, but also three other girls which names I don't remember, except this freshman though, her name is Elizabeth :)
In the picture you see Meghan and Aaron... Aaron can't skate (good) so Meghan is holding his hand and guiding him :)
Today I also did my first essay for school (!). It was an essay about a medical career and I (of course) chosed pathology. I'm not entirely glad with how it turned out, so tomorrow I'm gonna edit it :)
Oh, and I am going to be in the nursery tomorrow at church! I'm so nervous! It's gonna be new and I'm really excited!
Look at those kitties! Don't they look cute when they are STILL? I wish they were like this all the time! :D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
In the picture you see Meghan and Aaron... Aaron can't skate (good) so Meghan is holding his hand and guiding him :)
Today I also did my first essay for school (!). It was an essay about a medical career and I (of course) chosed pathology. I'm not entirely glad with how it turned out, so tomorrow I'm gonna edit it :)
Oh, and I am going to be in the nursery tomorrow at church! I'm so nervous! It's gonna be new and I'm really excited!
Look at those kitties! Don't they look cute when they are STILL? I wish they were like this all the time! :D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 16. september 2011
Back to school dance
So I'm gonna make this update quick because I got home from the Back to school dance (!) and I am super tired.
Today I went to the dance and it was really fun. It was like a "welcome to school, hope you like it" kind of thing. There was music and it looked like everybody had a good time. I was together with Alex and Meghan most of the time (remember skating) but I also talked a bit with the other students.
So the dance started at 7 and ended at 10. I came to the school at 4:30 because I thought I was going to have drivers lessons, but instead I helped decorate the cafeteria for the dance. It was fun and I had time to talk a bit with different people from the school counsel.
So basically I "skipped" drivers lessons - which I really didn't do because I'm not registered yet - and I went to the dance instead.
My English teacher miss Stringer talked to me today and she told me that she would like to take me to the mountains with her! :D She is really nice and she knows about my situation with my host mom, it's just so nice of her to even think about me like that :)
Today I went to the dance and it was really fun. It was like a "welcome to school, hope you like it" kind of thing. There was music and it looked like everybody had a good time. I was together with Alex and Meghan most of the time (remember skating) but I also talked a bit with the other students.
So the dance started at 7 and ended at 10. I came to the school at 4:30 because I thought I was going to have drivers lessons, but instead I helped decorate the cafeteria for the dance. It was fun and I had time to talk a bit with different people from the school counsel.
So basically I "skipped" drivers lessons - which I really didn't do because I'm not registered yet - and I went to the dance instead.
My English teacher miss Stringer talked to me today and she told me that she would like to take me to the mountains with her! :D She is really nice and she knows about my situation with my host mom, it's just so nice of her to even think about me like that :)
Miss Stringer
So today was pretty good. I don't have any pictures of the party sadly, but you'll live...
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 15. september 2011
Volleyball game!
First real game I've seen since I came here! I'm probably not going to watch any football games, since the school don't have a team nor a field to play on.
So yeah here are some pictures of the volleyball game from tonigh :) We won both games this night!
So yeah here are some pictures of the volleyball game from tonigh :) We won both games this night!
The coach for the "better" team is also my art teacher miss Meyer. I'll just say; she looks intimidating when the game is on! O.O
Before the game there was a "party". For $4 you could eat all you wanted and drink all you wanted. That was great, and I also spent some time with the exchange students from Germany :)
The game was great, it was really exciting and I would love to go to another one. The best part is that miss Meyer gives 25 extra points/credit/grades if you go to the party and game :) I have her in 3 classes so that was just 75 right in mah pocket!
This Sunday I will start to take care of the children in the nursery at the church :) Maybe I'll even do it on Tuesdays when there is choir practice!
Also tomorrow - wow, lot's of news huh? - I will start my drivers lessons! for only $99 I get 4 weeks/30 hours of teaching. Though if I want to have the 6 hours of driving time I'll have to pay more... Anyways that is exciting! It's a pay-as-you-go kind of thing, so if you miss a class it wont cost extra!
So that's great, I'll write about how that went next time :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 12. september 2011
Home at a friend
Today after school I went home with Alyssa :) She was one of the first I really became friends with so it was really nice to see her house. And I'll say you; she had a big house!!!
Three rooms with couches, a big kitchen, five bedrooms, three bathrooms and a gigantic garage!
I suppose that since both my mom, dad, grandmother, god mom etc. people know this other people should too know this: I am looking for a new place to stay. I don't feel home with Martha and since Friday last week I've been looking for a new place to stay.
I actually have a friend - Melissa - who asked her parents and they were open to the idea. The only problem I have is that I have to be "approved" by some boss in Face The World. My area Representative said that the chances were low, so I'm kinda down right now.
Alyssa lives in a great neighborhood and Melissa lives in the same area. It would just be great if I could live with her...
Well... Right now I'm doing my homework, a lot of drawing so that's cool. So until next time:
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Three rooms with couches, a big kitchen, five bedrooms, three bathrooms and a gigantic garage!
I suppose that since both my mom, dad, grandmother, god mom etc. people know this other people should too know this: I am looking for a new place to stay. I don't feel home with Martha and since Friday last week I've been looking for a new place to stay.
I actually have a friend - Melissa - who asked her parents and they were open to the idea. The only problem I have is that I have to be "approved" by some boss in Face The World. My area Representative said that the chances were low, so I'm kinda down right now.
Alyssa lives in a great neighborhood and Melissa lives in the same area. It would just be great if I could live with her...
Well... Right now I'm doing my homework, a lot of drawing so that's cool. So until next time:
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 10. september 2011
Yes! Yesterday I went to a skating rink! Alex (pic under of girl in blue shirt) asked me to go and after some talking with Martha she drove me there and Me, Alex and Meghan from school had a great time! :)
During the time we were there I only fell three times. Pretty good if I should say so myself. It's been at least 4 years since I've skated. Also I joined one song of "speed skating". THAT was so fun, all the small kids and the slow adults left the rink so the faster ones could have time so skate really fast!
So here from left to right; Alex, Meghan and Aaron. Aaron is also from my school. I think he's in the student council even... Never mind.
Well he had never skated before or else it was a long time since, because he went really slow :)
Oh and today I joined a parade! It was not something big, but it was pretty fun. I got to talk to Emil - the danish boy - again. Also I made some new friends. Ge and Parn. They are from south Korea and Thailand :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 9. september 2011
Friday free!!
Working on the still life in school. It's such a drag, there is so much to draw and SO LITTLE TIME!
Well... At lunch today my friends decided to play Frisbee. You can't see them but from left to right is: Alyssa, Melissa and Sid. Today Luiza wasn't here so it was kinda quiet. She really is the one to talk the most.
And this is were we eat our lunch! I don't know what to do in the winter. We can't sit outside in the winter :/ Not that I'm not excited about the snow, but it's just so nice to sit outside.
Oh well. Tonight I'm probably going to skate with one of my new friends. Her name is Alex and she'll maybe bring one of her friends Meghan :) I'm excited to go :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 8. september 2011
Technical problems!
Yes. Even America have troubles on the computer now and then... Who am I kidding? There isn't one week at the school without any problems with the computers or internet.
Here we were supposed to see the movie "The Scarlet letter" a book that is slowly growing on me. It is very interesting. It is about a woman who commits a "crime". She gives birth to bastard child and won't name the father, resulting in her getting marked with the scarlet letter.

Well yeah... Don't forget to check my update in "Maden". I found a very interesting thing in the supermarket the other day!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
tirsdag den 6. september 2011
Zap at Eagle ridge academy is the same thing as getting detention. You stay at school after your last period and then you do your homework!
Today I was this close ---------> <--------- to get zapped.
Last week it was this close ------> <--------
It's hard because you get zapped if you didn't do your homework: ZAP!
luckily if you give your homework to the teacher before school ends... You're free to go! No zap! :D
Just wanted you to know, because I'm pretty sure I'll get at least ONE zap before this semester is over :P
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Zap at Eagle ridge academy is the same thing as getting detention. You stay at school after your last period and then you do your homework!
Today I was this close ---------> <--------- to get zapped.
Last week it was this close ------> <--------
It's hard because you get zapped if you didn't do your homework: ZAP!
luckily if you give your homework to the teacher before school ends... You're free to go! No zap! :D
Just wanted you to know, because I'm pretty sure I'll get at least ONE zap before this semester is over :P
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 5. september 2011
Monday free!
Today is labor day, which means the day off !!!! It is Monday, the time is 12:00 and I am still sitting in my pajamas >:D
I really needed a day off... To do my laundry I mean. It's just been sitting in a basket and waited to be washed all week. I can almost do my laundry now without supervision. Wow... I worked at a laundry place for almost a whole year and I STILL can't do my own laundry without help x)
This was just a quick update. Nothing special is happening lately :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
I really needed a day off... To do my laundry I mean. It's just been sitting in a basket and waited to be washed all week. I can almost do my laundry now without supervision. Wow... I worked at a laundry place for almost a whole year and I STILL can't do my own laundry without help x)
This was just a quick update. Nothing special is happening lately :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
søndag den 4. september 2011
Slow week
Well after we "picked up" Mike we went to a outdoor/indoor mall. I was pretty disappointed. There were no clothes I liked, or fit me good, so I didn't buy any clothes :/ Even the rumored Forever 21 was bad...
Oh and yeah. Look at this hat store. I think Mike had about 50 caps at home... Wow... And he got one as a gift from Martha and ANOTHER the same day through the mail!
Well after we shopped we went to the movies and saw Captain America. Great movie!!! Bad ending... :/
Oh and yeah this soda... It's a size SMALL... It's like large in danish size :O
After the movies we went home to Mike. Waited, talked, showed some pictures and by the time it was 21:00 we felt like eating!
So until next time....
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
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