onsdag den 28. september 2011


So there hasn't really been anything new. So to avoid getting a message in the middle of my class again - MOM! - I think it was a good time to update a little :D

I have recently started developing my own pictures in photography class. It is amazing to watch your pictures come to life under the chemicals! The pictures I've done so far has been either too dark or too grainy :/ But it's still fun!

In my history class we are doing a newspaper. We have exactly one week and we're half way done. I'm the layout person, so when people have written their articles I paste it into our newspaper and edit it a bit, setting it up so that it looks fabulous! That have been funny so far :)

I had my fourth drivers lesson this week and the class is getting more and more interesting. Today we learned about DUI (driving under the influence) and stuff like that. This freshman came into class TWO HOURS late, and the teacher - a policeman - could see and told us that he had been smoking weed before coming to class.... His tongue was green :/

So yeah, that was my update. Hope you are all doing good and until next update:

*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!

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