Yesterday and today I spent my time shopping. There was crazy savings on almost everything and I guess I'll tell you a bit about how it went and what I bought.
At 10:30 pm on Thursday We spent 1½ hours waiting outside Kohl's. It opened up at midnight and I bought three things there: two shirts and a pair of rainbow colored socks. I've always wanted something like that! :D
After being at Kohl's we went home (because we found out it was pretty cold to wait outside) and brought some jackets with us.
At 2 am Friday morning I "camped" outside JCPennies. I had a blanket and an Ipod with a movie on. I was one of the first 10 in line out of maybe +100 persons. At JCPennies I bought two jackets and a big jacket to wear outside. I also bought two pair of pants.
All in all I saved about $220 on Black Friday. They were not kidding when they said that those sales were crazy!
But now I've also used my allowance for the month probably... :/
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 25. november 2011
onsdag den 23. november 2011
Soon thanksgiving!
Right now I'm sitting in Alex's room together with her and her friend Arianna :)
We've had so much fun together the 3 of us. Dinner was fun too, so many fun stuff happened :)
I'm going to make my risengrød soon. Actually later tonight :) It'll be fun to make, it's also thousands of years since I've last had it. Excited to see if they will like it or not, I can just hope for the best :)
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, there is going to be LOT'S of food! Even more than Christmas they say! Now they also know that I'm not religious. It was weird when they said their thanks to god before eating every time. But I'm okay with it, it's not like I'm experiencing a totally new religion. I grew up with being christian, so this is just "normal" compared to if I lived with a Jewish family or Hindu family.
So I hope everyone is good. Happy thanksgiving!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
We've had so much fun together the 3 of us. Dinner was fun too, so many fun stuff happened :)
I'm going to make my risengrød soon. Actually later tonight :) It'll be fun to make, it's also thousands of years since I've last had it. Excited to see if they will like it or not, I can just hope for the best :)
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, there is going to be LOT'S of food! Even more than Christmas they say! Now they also know that I'm not religious. It was weird when they said their thanks to god before eating every time. But I'm okay with it, it's not like I'm experiencing a totally new religion. I grew up with being christian, so this is just "normal" compared to if I lived with a Jewish family or Hindu family.
So I hope everyone is good. Happy thanksgiving!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
mandag den 21. november 2011
Yes! She finally updated her blog!
Wow, sorry for having thanksgiving break. It's not easy you know? All you get to do all day is sleep until 11:30 am everyday!
That aside....
It's thanksgiving break! No school and I absolutely love my first holiday vacation! I've lived with Alex now for a little more than a week. It's awesome here and I feel like I can do more. I'm not afraid to go to the fridge and get a glass of milk anymore! Also: Pop tarts are amazing! There is a version with raspberry which is a close (but still not good enough) substitute for hindbærsnitter.
I'm going to do Black Friday with Alex! Black Friday is like a big sale for every store in the country. People show up at midnight to camp outside stores and when the doors open, people get stomped down! People actually got killed during Black Fridays!
Aren't you happy mom and dad?
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 16. november 2011
Purple day!
Tomorrow is Gay rights day at our school! Together with Aaron, Meghan and Alex we made t-shirts with text on them, so that we can wear them tomorrow :)
Aaron, Alex and me went out today to buy the shirts. After that we went to Mc'Donalds, it's so fun to drive with Aaron, Meghan and Alex. We always laugh when we are together :)
My shirt's is kinda a replica of the one I have at home. It says: It's OK to be gay.
Alex and Aaron wrote a lot of stuff on their shirts, so I can't tell you because there was so MUCH! :)
I'm excited for tomorrow. I heard that a lot of the boys at the school don't like gays, so I'm sure that there'll be a lot of drama ;)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Aaron, Alex and me went out today to buy the shirts. After that we went to Mc'Donalds, it's so fun to drive with Aaron, Meghan and Alex. We always laugh when we are together :)
My shirt's is kinda a replica of the one I have at home. It says: It's OK to be gay.
Alex and Aaron wrote a lot of stuff on their shirts, so I can't tell you because there was so MUCH! :)
I'm excited for tomorrow. I heard that a lot of the boys at the school don't like gays, so I'm sure that there'll be a lot of drama ;)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
søndag den 13. november 2011
New home
Right now the time is 14:12 and I am sitting on my new bed, in my new room and in my new home. I just moved into Alex's house yesterday. Everything went well and I am unpacking right now - well not right now, but you know...
Yesterday Aaron, Alex and Meghan took me out to Apple bee's. It's a restaurant I think, and that night we were supposed to sing karaoke. Unfortunately we left shortly after eating, because of the people there that night. We went home to Meghan's house and watched a movie - White chicks.
So yeah, Alex and her mom talked shortly with my mom today. It was short but they did talk.
So right now I don't have any news other than that :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Yesterday Aaron, Alex and Meghan took me out to Apple bee's. It's a restaurant I think, and that night we were supposed to sing karaoke. Unfortunately we left shortly after eating, because of the people there that night. We went home to Meghan's house and watched a movie - White chicks.
So yeah, Alex and her mom talked shortly with my mom today. It was short but they did talk.
So right now I don't have any news other than that :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
fredag den 11. november 2011
Improv show
This night I went to an improv show. Short for improvising show. I think you can guess what it is: the actors are given a situation and they have to come up with lines in a matter of few seconds. Of course it is supposed to be fun, and this one certainly was!
Aaron one of my friends is part of the group who does the show. Actually I know three people in the show: Aaron, Tamsen and Kate :)
The show was great, after the show we had fun and I am seriously thinking about joining that group. It would be SO fun!
At the show itself I sat together with Meghan and one of her best friends Jessica. We had a lot of fun :)
Soooo... Tomorrow is moving day! I am packing small things together tonight. It's not like I have a lot of stuff. Just clothes and all that :/
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Aaron one of my friends is part of the group who does the show. Actually I know three people in the show: Aaron, Tamsen and Kate :)
The show was great, after the show we had fun and I am seriously thinking about joining that group. It would be SO fun!
At the show itself I sat together with Meghan and one of her best friends Jessica. We had a lot of fun :)
Soooo... Tomorrow is moving day! I am packing small things together tonight. It's not like I have a lot of stuff. Just clothes and all that :/
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
Veterans day
Today is veterans day. The day were we honor the soldiers who fought in the war.
In my English class - which is right now - we were told to make a poem. A haiku.
A haiku is a Japanese poem. It is written in 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables in each line. Mine looks like this:
War is over, past
Soldiers made their sacrifice
Bless those in heaven.
So happy Veterans day! Have a good day!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
In my English class - which is right now - we were told to make a poem. A haiku.
A haiku is a Japanese poem. It is written in 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables in each line. Mine looks like this:
War is over, past
Soldiers made their sacrifice
Bless those in heaven.
So happy Veterans day! Have a good day!
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 10. november 2011
Oh well...
I didn't get to go to the art show tonight :( I was at practice and it just got too late. But i'll see how it went tomorrow at school. I did though get to see people hang up all of the art work and mine looked pretty good up there if I have to say so myself ;)
I've decided NOT to start basketball at school. I've been offered more training for my karate training for the same amount of money every month. And what better could it be than fighting practice for 1½ hours?? My Sensei want to take me to the US open in Las Vegas! It would be so cool, but it's not cheap so that's also part of the reason why I don't wanna start basketball. It's $100 to start, and that's a lot of money i think :/
Oh well...
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
I've decided NOT to start basketball at school. I've been offered more training for my karate training for the same amount of money every month. And what better could it be than fighting practice for 1½ hours?? My Sensei want to take me to the US open in Las Vegas! It would be so cool, but it's not cheap so that's also part of the reason why I don't wanna start basketball. It's $100 to start, and that's a lot of money i think :/
Oh well...
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
tirsdag den 8. november 2011
Art show
I am maybe going to an art show on Thursday. Not an ordinary art show. I am going to be in the art show myself!
The art show is on the school and all art classes have worked on pieces the last few weeks. Because I take 3 art classes I'm going to have 4 pieces exhibited in the show! I have a painting made in beginning and drawing class, an album cover and movie poster made in digital media and (maybe) a photography from photography class. Duh!
So Thursday is going to be fun. The theme is the show is Dia de los Muertos which is a Mexican holiday. In English it means Day of the dead.
It's not really supposed to be scary but rather a happy holiday where you celebrate, and honor the ones you know is dead. I think so at least...
There is going to be food, music and art. What more could you wish for? :D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
søndag den 6. november 2011
Today I went with Lasha to Alex's house, talked with her parents and signed paperwork.
If everything goes well with bag ground check and that stuff, I will move on Saturday to Alex's place and live there! Everything is "taken care of" and Martha knows.
Of course this next week I have to be extra nice to Martha. I was told to gather the leaves in the garden and be thankful for her.
So yeah. The meeting went very well, Lasha would not hesitate to place me at Alex's house compared to let me continue living with Martha.
I have to finish some homework so I will answer questions later :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
If everything goes well with bag ground check and that stuff, I will move on Saturday to Alex's place and live there! Everything is "taken care of" and Martha knows.
Of course this next week I have to be extra nice to Martha. I was told to gather the leaves in the garden and be thankful for her.
So yeah. The meeting went very well, Lasha would not hesitate to place me at Alex's house compared to let me continue living with Martha.
I have to finish some homework so I will answer questions later :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
lørdag den 5. november 2011
Denver shopping
Today is the day that I'm going to Denver to shop at Cherry creek mall. I don't know who is going apart from James and Parn. Anyway it's probably going to be pretty fun :)
I'll leave at 11, and then I'll be home at 11 again... Long day, I better find the good walking shoes.
I'm going to take lots of pictures so they'll maybe be up tonight or later than that.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye
I'll leave at 11, and then I'll be home at 11 again... Long day, I better find the good walking shoes.
I'm going to take lots of pictures so they'll maybe be up tonight or later than that.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye
fredag den 4. november 2011
With friends
At this very moment I am upload a bunch of pictures of me, Alex, Meghan and her brother on Facebook.
Let's just say that we were bored and decided to... Have fun? Yeah, it involves cardboard boxes, so we were very bored.
Tomorrow FTW and me are going to cherry creek mall. From what I've heard, it's pretty expensive... Gotta look for the sales then. I swear; the stores always have a sale here, it's unbelievable.
To give to a idea of what happened tonight...
At this very moment I am upload a bunch of pictures of me, Alex, Meghan and her brother on Facebook.
Let's just say that we were bored and decided to... Have fun? Yeah, it involves cardboard boxes, so we were very bored.
Tomorrow FTW and me are going to cherry creek mall. From what I've heard, it's pretty expensive... Gotta look for the sales then. I swear; the stores always have a sale here, it's unbelievable.
To give to a idea of what happened tonight...
Yeah. Cardboard boxes.
But we had lot's and lot's of fun! :D
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
3rd Hybrid day
After about 4-5 hours of work from home - with surprisingly no interruptions apart from texts - I am finally done!
Maybe I'll go to Alex's place later today, but 1 thing I know I'm doing right now is dying my hair again!
Yup, the color didn't stay in for so long, so now I'm picking a darker shade and leaving it in a little more time :)
Let's see how that turns out :)
*blows excited kiss*
Bye Bye!
Maybe I'll go to Alex's place later today, but 1 thing I know I'm doing right now is dying my hair again!
Yup, the color didn't stay in for so long, so now I'm picking a darker shade and leaving it in a little more time :)
Let's see how that turns out :)
*blows excited kiss*
Bye Bye!
torsdag den 3. november 2011
Random update
(Because I'm too lazy to write titles for every post I make)
So today was Thursday, tomorrow is hybrid day.
Tomorrow I have plans. Well... I think I have. I'm maybe going to the movies with my friend Alyssa to watch paranormal activity 3, and I'm maybe going to Alex's house to watch the human centipede.

Either way I'm going to get either grossed out or disturbed tomorrow...
I think that I have to save some of my money the next few months. I'm going to pay for my drivers lessons and that's $100... I'm not really the type to spend money a lot so maybe it won't be a problem... I just have to control myself :P
*blows happy kiss*
Bye Bye!
onsdag den 2. november 2011
No school!
My first day off of school because of the snow! It's amaaaaazing! I slept until 11:30! :D
So I know you people probably want some pictures... Maybe another day. I haven't really got a chance to go outside today. I'm still in my pajama so....
I got a call from Lasha today. She asked me about my contact person here. Her name is Jody and she is supposed to talk to me every now and then, the problem is though that she haven't and I think that Lasha is going to talk to some higher ups about that... I'm not sure, but I think that things are more "set in motion" now.
She also asked for a home number to all of my friends, I think she'll talk to their parents about hosting me :I
So yeah, today have been weird. But overall it have been good :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
So I know you people probably want some pictures... Maybe another day. I haven't really got a chance to go outside today. I'm still in my pajama so....
I got a call from Lasha today. She asked me about my contact person here. Her name is Jody and she is supposed to talk to me every now and then, the problem is though that she haven't and I think that Lasha is going to talk to some higher ups about that... I'm not sure, but I think that things are more "set in motion" now.
She also asked for a home number to all of my friends, I think she'll talk to their parents about hosting me :I
So yeah, today have been weird. But overall it have been good :)
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
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