onsdag den 16. november 2011

Purple day!

Tomorrow is Gay rights day at our school! Together with Aaron, Meghan and Alex we made t-shirts with text on them, so that we can wear them tomorrow :)
Aaron, Alex and me went out today to buy the shirts. After that we went to Mc'Donalds, it's so fun to drive with Aaron, Meghan and Alex. We always laugh when we are together :)

My shirt's is kinda a replica of the one I have at home. It says: It's OK to be gay.
Alex and Aaron wrote a lot of stuff on their shirts, so I can't tell you because there was so MUCH! :)

I'm excited for tomorrow. I heard that a lot of the boys at the school don't like gays, so I'm sure that there'll be a lot of drama ;)

*blows kiss* 
Bye Bye!

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