tirsdag den 3. januar 2012

New Years eve!

Of course you all want to know about my new years right? Okay it wasn't like we usually do but it was different and new :)

Me and Alex started out with watching a movie in the cinema. It was breaking dawn (Finally Emma right?) and it was super awesome, still lacked some things from the book which I was kinda disappointed about but otherwise it was good. We watched it together with Alyssa and her cousin.

After that we went out to eat with a lot of Cathy's friends. Nothing big, it was a pot lock so it was all homemade (no objections from here!). After that we went home. We decided to play ping-pong (table tennis) and did that for about an hour or so. Then we all sat down and played a card game Shanghai until it was near midnight. 

When it was 11:59:59 I jumped into the new year. A second to early according to Jeff but I did it :) 

Aaafter that we finished our card game (1½ hours later...) and went to bed :) 
It was hard to get back to a normal sleeping pattern but I think it was okay. I just stayed up the whole night the day before school and now I'm back to normal! I even got 2 more hours of sleep than I normally do! 

So that was it. I'll have a update about first school day (today) later.

*blows kiss*
Zài jiàn!

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