lørdag den 3. december 2011

Long time no see

Finally!! She updated!
I know it's been a while, but nothing extra-ordinary have happened that was worth updating. But yesterday I did something!

I went sledging together with Alex, Meghan, her brother and Aaron! We went to a hill near a high school and then had fun for about an hour. It was really cold though. Today it was -13 Celsius so it was pretty cold!

On Friday there is another improv-show at the school and I'm going! I can't remember if I told you, but it's a show with actors that improvise their lines and come up with them as they go, it's really funny :)

I'll take some pictures of the house for you later. It's amazing! They have decorated for days and are still not done yet! :O

So I guess I'll try and update soon eh?

*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!

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