Aaanyways all those %'s together got the original price ($128) down to $52!!! :O Just amazing!
Here is some pictures of what I bought. The first one is a shirt with a vest SEWN INTO it! :O The second one I just randomly saw and I had to buy it! The third I liked really much, I think i saw a girl wear it at school :)
On or way home I just had to take a picture of this. I DO live next to subway x) I haven't been there yet but i probably won't go there. Fat food... Really, the American lifestyle have opened my eyes O.O I'm so glad Martha go after the healthy stuff. She even looks after artificial colors and flavors.
*blows kiss*
Bye Bye!
My beautiful girl! Nice to see some pictures of you as well :) Good bargain on those sweaters ;-)Glad to hear that Martha is taking good care of you, and don't like junk food all that much.
SvarSletBTW: Are you able to see mountains where you live? I would think they are pretty close to you but I don't know for sure.
Ida-u are absolutely fantastic :-D We LOVE to read youre blog.. It seems as if u enjoy being overthere, and Martha takes good care of u. NICE!! Love Majbrit PS: hard to write in english ;-D
SvarSletSødeste Itze, jeg skulle hilse rigtig mange gange fra Knud, der sagde at han mod forventning savnede dig bare en lille smule ;-) Og Birger skulle jeg også hilse fra, han synes også at du mangler på skolen :-)